Legal mentions


UNIVAC 35 avenue Georges Pompidou 83120 Sainte-Maxime France
Tel : 33(0)
SIRET : 775 616 055 00114
N° TVA intracommunautaire : FR52 775 616 055
Association Loi de 1901
Certificat d'immatriculation N° IM083100036

Booking assistance

1, rue Saint-Gengoulf - 57004 Metz Cedex 1
Tél : 33(0) 3 87 75 77 45
Fax : 33 (0) 3 87 75 37 77
Réservation en ligne :
Contact : This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website hosting

400 avenue Roumanille BP 60177
06903 Sophia Antipolis Cedex France
Website :

Design and development

THELIS FRANCE (Group DL Software)
ZA Terres de Camargue
3 496, rue des Marchands
30 220 AIGUES-MORTES France
Tel : +33 (0)4 66 51 15 15 - Fax : +33 (0)4 66 51 15 16
Website :
CIM Multimédia (Group DL Software)
8, Avenue de l'Horizon
Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne
Tél : 03 20 65 96 65 - Fax : 03 20 66 93 56
Website :

Photo credit

Fram • Marmara • Luxair • Univac • J.Sierpinski • E. Bertrand • Phototheque Fram • Hôtel Villas du Sheraton • Hôtel Dune d’or I mageshop • FOTOLIA (JCV stock, Nina Matyszczak, Eric corbel, Ahmed Aboul-Seoud, julien veyssade, Nick Stubbs, Michael Nivelet , gilles lougassi, christophe fouquin, Christian Wheatley , Radovan Kraker, Oleg Seleznev) • B& • X.NAVARRO • J.KELAGOPIAN

Data Protection

In accordance with the law "Informatiques et Livertés", you have a right to access, correct and make opposition to your personal datas. To do this, you simply have to apply online This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .